Thursday, February 12, 2009


aduuuuuuuuh,udah 4 hari i can't sleep well,udah kaya batman aja ni klo malem mata semakin menyala haha.jadinya badan ga fit smua,haruskah gw minum obt tdr? hahha.serem ah gamau.have advice,anyone ? my mind was so crowded,hate it! udah ahhh sekian dlu hehe.pray for meplease so that i can sleep tight arrghhhhhh : (((((((

Sunday, February 8, 2009


ga masuk sekolah lagiiiiiiiiiiii hihihihi.mending gw belajar dirumah terus go to inten tar hehee.aduuhh gw addict banget ni sama polyvore.kereeen bgt,mau gw coba yang benerannya hehehe.

gorgeous girl
gorgeous girl - by irena's on

girly thing

gw pengen banget punya ini niiiiii,make it mine deh bismillah hihi :)

evening cloud
evening cloud - by irena's on

mix vintage with beach style

freedom - by irena's on

sintya's surprise

hari sabtu kmrn gw ngasi surprise sama anak2 buat sintya.wahhhhhhhhhhh hari itu gw ga enk badan,badan panas,menggigil,maag so terrible pokonya.tapi gw bela2in buat sobat gw tercinta hehhee.acaranya berjalan mulus tapi ada beberapa yang gabisa dateng,raffi ahmad yg janji mau dtg ehhhhh mendadak ke luar kota arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.pdhl itu big present buat sintya kan itu.tapi yaudahlah kita buat another plan yg tetep greeeeeeeat hehe.that's so hilarious! oia sintya sampe nangis looooooh waktu dikasi surprise itu hihihi.greatest moment for her yaa hehe

Friday, February 6, 2009

sabtuuu bingungin

aduh hari ni gw bingung mau gmana.mau ngasi surprise sodara gw tapi pada berantakan,si raffi ahmad yg blg mau ikt ksi surprise (karena sodara gw fans berat dia hihi ) bilang bisanya minggu ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit ni,pada ga jelas smuaaaaaa,actually i dont wanna go anywhere,i need more time to rest buttttttt ini urgent hahaa kasian sintya tahun ini trkhir di jakarta.mana kado guee blom jadi aduuuh,super duper punyeng : ((((((((((((

chic grande
chic grande - by irena's on

Thursday, February 5, 2009

woooooooow !

wondering - by irena's on

i just make it by myself in my tired time and time to sleeping beauty : )
i want this skirt !!!!!!!!!!!!! ah keren banget.

Sunny day
Sunny day - by Karine Minzon Wilson on

one day with mom

today i was late and i go back to my house.tumben biasanya klo udah telat yah pasti jadinya cabut hahaha,but im not feeling well.sampe dirumah gw nemuin website yg asiknya ampun2 really catch

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


maybe this is one of my fashion i will make it by my looks feminine and gorgeous

fans of it

i like their fashion : D


today is my first time im writing my blog.i feel so exicited when i saw my friend's blog.
hmm i dont know what should i shared but let me share something fun.
gw baru aja liat kak heidy's polyvore,and im blast of it.really cutie site interesting for that,gives me some insipiration to make my own dress for my bestfriend's give.give me luck for that ! : D

to be continue,busy with polyvore :)
